Doc Pop of has published a great article featuring WordPress developer, Barış Ünver. Ünver is 27 years old and a Tuts+ author living in Ankara, the capital of Turkey. In the article, Ünver describes what it’s like to live and work in Turkey. When asked whether WordPress being blocked in Turkey is a regular occurrence, he responded:
It’s not extremely common, but we experience downtime on large websites like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter a couple times each year. is actually one of the first websites that was blocked back in 2007—you can read the story here.
There are other interesting tidbits within the article as well such as the number of people who know how to use VPN’s as if it’s common knowledge. Ünver also provides insight into the tools used to get around censorship. If the country you live in blocked access to or, what tools, services, and systems would you use to get around it?
Source: WP Tavern